Casting Powerful Vision

$350.00 per 365 days

Applying the concepts of  Strategic Vision Casting puts you in a minority, a minority that enjoys unique success and the journey.

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Casting Powerful Vision

Vision that is not communicated limits the potential of any organisation. A leader that can cast vision maximizes the potential of the organisation or their team.
Vision casting is the ability to set direction and then share the dream so that the team “Buys Into” the journey. To do this a Vision Casting Leader must be able to.
  1. Facilitate and develop a leadership message
  2. Facilitate and deliver a leadership message
  3. Sustain and achieve the leadership message

Our experience has shown us that very few organisations engage in strategic Vision Casting and are caught up with business as usual or the last squeaky wheel bought to their attention.

However, exceptional leaders generate tension between the current reality and the desired state, knowing that the more compelling the desired future the greater the motivational force of the team.

This is a portion of the full MAX Engage program. You are in for a great learning experience, and if you return to these sessions with regularity they will eventually help you to a point of mastery in creating a compelling and engaging vision for your organisation and teams.

Applying the concepts of  Strategic Vision Casting puts you in a minority, a minority that enjoys unique success and the journey.