Every one of us can be better than we currently are, we all have potential for growth in every area of our lives. This is what makes life so beautiful. Its constantly changing, constantly providing opportunities to become more of who are supposed to be.
Our mission is to serve you in some small way, to help you become more of you.
To connect people to their inspirational passion, help them combine it with their natural talent, to achieve their greatest purpose.
What about us ?

Aiden’s journey began with a vision and a mission to develop a national and international, organisation that realized, equipped, motivated and released tertiary students. This was the proving ground for Aiden’s rising passion in leadership, strategic management and mentoring/coaching skills.
Aiden’s experience to date includes:
Written and delivered a national qualification (Diploma of strategic leadership) to Boards and top Management Teams
Performance Coaching and Strategy Facilitation.
Aiden regularly consults and facilitates ‘Corporate Strategy’ within a number of organizations.
Over the past few years Aiden has worked with Pinnacle Health, NZNO, PMANZ, Procare, DHB, NZRGP, Primary health Waikato, SCA, South Link Health, Merc, GP CME.
Aiden Holliday has spoken nationally and internationally in Denmark, Italy, Hong Kong, Nepal, Cambodia and Australia to audiences in excess of 3000 people.
Dean of Leadership Vision Leadership College until 2004
Involvement with Lead-Nepal to train up strategic leaders over the next five years
Pioneering ‘Cutting Edge’ which in 12 years went from a local to a national to an international organization.
Initiated a work in Cambodia, along with the Cambodian Government, to facilitate Conflict Resolution training, and was instrumental in facilitating ongoing work with international experts to continue the work.
Aiden’s qualifications include MBA (Intl); M. Phil. (Ldrshp),
Grad.Dip.Strat.Man, Adv.Cert.Adlt.Teach.
Aiden is writing a number of books due to be published later this year.
Aiden, his wife Lee and sons Jordan and Jonty live in Hamilton, New Zealand.

Brenton has been communicating to large audiences throughout New Zealand and Australia since the age of 20, building a reputation as a dynamic speaker.
His ability to convey the fundamentals for both personal and business breakthrough will leave a significant impact in your organisation and, at the same time, make the whole process enjoyable.
Brentons experience to date includes:
Organizing tours for aprox 25 youth traveling over the South Island each year for three years
Leading, and fronting youth development events twice a year for 5 years in which in excess of 500 youth would attend
Lead speaker at organisations and keynote at conferences throughout New Zealand
Head leadership conference for leaders of community development in north east India
Earlier in his career Brenton moved to a senior leadership position with Spark for five years, before following his passion for personal development into a full-time career as a leadership development specialist. He says he always looks forward to getting organisations buzzing with ideas and feedback from their training sessions, and then keeping their focus fixed on putting the new ideas into practice.
In the last 12 years, I have worked full time in people and business development throughout New Zealand and Australia, specializing in the following.
Leadership development, building greater capacity in those who are currently in leadership or aspire to be.
High performance Coaching, transforming client performance, helping them lift to their next natural level and beyond.
Cultural Change, moving people from an attitude of indifference to a sense of purpose in the work place.
Personal Development, better people make better employees, which makes better business.
Developing High Performance Teams that work within high velocity environments, enabling them to work to achieve remarkable outcomes.
Corporate Leadership education with transformative change.
Brenton, his wife Sandra and sons Israel and Ethan live in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Our Story…
In the last 7 years, we (Aiden and Brenton) have been working together in a focused collaborative way.
It came about while Brenton was working with a large international industrial organisation, Brenton had a discussion with the company in which it was decided that a specialized Leadership Development Program needed to be implemented and integrated.
My 1st call was to my good mate Aiden. We worked together to develop a specialised leadership module which was well received and proved to be very effective, we had a lot of fun working together, and discovered that as a team we were a brilliant combination.
We continue to deliver leadership training to that same organisation this day.
A few weeks after that initial call, we sat down for a coffee and 3eLeader Leader was born!, it was at a cafe in Hamilton that the 3 “e”s were discovered
Educate – how leadership is “done”.
Empower – once they know, they are empowered to lead with great confidence.
Energise – Once you know “what” and “how” you just cant help but feel energised.
Our work has extended out from there and we are now working with a lot of clients (see our clients page) and we continue to welcome more.
In our time working together and seeing exciting progress, we love to influence positive change in arenas where more people can enjoy a confident and equipped leadership role.
We also have a huge desire to head back into third world countries and bring about transformation where it is so desperately needed, in some cases the ability to lead and create “buy in” is literally a matter of life and death.
We have both done a lot of work in third world settings and both long to go back and continue this, in a perfect world we would love to take people with us (who knows, you may be one of them) and/or be sponsored to go.
We are currently working hard behind the scenes to deliver an online training service (our secret mission) that will be a huge help to leaders at every level.
It will be resource rich and has something pretty special, it is entirely unique in its concept, and nobody else is doing it…..we will keep those of you interested posted, trust me, this will be worth the wait.
Its a matter of purpose, at the risk of sounding “cliché both of us are genuinely passionate about working with our clients, we see ourselves not so much doing something we enjoy, but more living out our life purpose. We feel like we are doing that which we are meant to be doing. Its incredibly fulfilling to be in such a mindset, it pulls you through the tough times and seems to compel you to scale the next challenge, we both feel incredibly blessed.
We are two very similar people – its not uncommon for people to mention that we look alike (a compliment to both of us), and then on top of that we both have two sons (of similar age) one wife each (even they share so many similarities). Even our backgrounds and values are remarkably aligned.
We are a couple of likely lads, and good mates to boot.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, we hope to meet you soon