- One on Ones. We have taken time to deliver aspects of the content in an in depth manner – you get everything there is to know.
- Conference room Training You have direct access to the best of our courses taught in various conferences throughout NZ.

Downloadable Workbooks.
12 manuals with over 100 workbook pages
These PDFs compliment the entire journy. Download them and use them as your workbook leading up to each of your team sessions.
There are 12 stages to this process.
Some stages will take more than a week, however the concept is to transition your team one step at a time.

In these sessions we show you a model or system that you can use in your team meetings, we facilitate you through a process by taking you into our training seminars and our “one on ones”. This will help you finally be great at developing your team. We find that once someone has done this course and adopted models that suite their unique demands there is just no looking back
So How Does “12 Weeks” Work?
View Our Introduction Video Now
Online Learning: Benefits at 3 Levels
Corporations now report that E-learning is one of the most valuable training methods that they use. This is no surprise, given that E-learning saves businesses at least 50% based on other models. Not to mention that eLearning cuts down instruction time by up to 60%.
It is our belief that E-learning is the best mechanism to support your Team Leader Development initiatives. These benefits reside on three levels which we will outline below
Benefits at 3 Levels
1: Reduced Costs
2: Learner Centric i.e. Increased Relevance
3: Strategic Results
Nurse Manager
“I have learned more in the last four hours with you than I have in the last month with another provider”
Jenni Falconer
Nurse Manager – Emergency Department, Waikato Hospital
How to apply a special coupon code.
When purchasing online enter the special coupon code
into the “Apply Coupon” box in the shopping cart section.
In This Course You Will Get:
Week 1 Setting Direction, how to create a clear team vision
Week 2 Values creation, how to run a values elicitation process.
Week 3 Goals with Meaning, how to create goals that engage.
Week 4 Roles and Clarity, how to crystal clear role definition as a team.
Week 5 Expectations, how to use a tool that includes the whole team.
Week 6 Synergy, how to create the X Factor.
Week 7 Identify your KSFs, how to know what is ultimately vital.
Week 8 Powerful Planning, how to create a rock solid planning system.
Week 9 Meetings that Matter, how to run meetings that include the 3Cs.
Week 10 Information Power, how to ensure this resource is maximized.
Week 11 Resources, how to empower team members with resources
Week 12 Motivation, how to create it and how to maintain it.

Study Skills
Course Features

- The Ultimate Study Environment
- The Best Study Techniques
- Most Effective Note Taking Tools
- Seasonal / Semester Planning
- Exam Prep
- Exam Time Management
- Body Pegging
- Active Visualisation
- Remembering Text
- Remembering Names
- Remembering vital information
- Speed Reading and the Fundamentals
- Essential Speed Technique’s
- The art of Pegging
- Many Many More
How to apply a special coupon code.
When purchasing online enter the special coupon code
into the “Apply Coupon” box in the shopping cart section.

Downloadable Workbooks. We equip you with everything you need. The PDFs will give you more depth and act as a wonderful summary overview so that you have immediate recall when you need it. The booklets are especially designed for you to work through in tandem with the videos.
They are yours to keep forever.

There are dedicated “whiteboard and or workbooks”.In these sessions we show you a model or system that you can use in tandem with the videos, we facilitate you through a process that will help you finally be great at study. We find that once someone has done this course and adopted models that suite their unique demands there is just no looking back
Welcome to Study Skills
Special offer for schools and HPSNZ.
4 sets of Lessons combined & 3 of them included free.
Downloadable PDFs included, keep them forever! Each video has its own set of comprehensive notes
for 12 months unlimited access
Special price for schools & HPSNZ only
contact us to know more
See Intro Vid Below
Course Features
“Give me a stock clerk with a goal, and I will give you a man who will make history. Give me a man without a goal, and I will give you a stock clerk.” ― J.C. Penny.

You will view life changing footage, we bring you into our very own conference centres where you get to sit and enjoy what many people have paid to attend. You also get an additional “informational” video where Aiden and I have a one on one chat with you explaining everything you need to know and do. Each video is between 1 -10 mins long. They are personable, instructive and to the point. You will get the answer you need within 10 mins, its really as easy as that.

Downloadable Workbooks. We equip you with everything you need to complete your life changing course. The PDFs will give you more depth and act as a wonderful summary overview so that you have immediate recall when you need it. The booklets are especially designed for you to work through in tandem with the videos. They are yours to keep forever, they will become a living document that you return to over and over again in your personal journey.

There are dedicated “whiteboard and or workbooks”.In these sessions we show you a model or system that you can use in tandem with the videos, we facilitate you through a process that will take your life and your performance to a new and exciting level.